Pick & Place Case Packing Solutions

Pick & Place systems are primarily used for product handling. They put individual products into trays, cartons or other secondary containers, and provide for case packing. The innovative systems created by BPA outperform conventional solutions. We integrate different kinds of robotics, state of the art controlling software and hardware you can rely on. We push the envelope of innovation, to offer you maximum returns. We have various Pick & Place case packing solutions available. Which system would fit best in your specific production environment? 

Let’s work together

The possibilities are endless

Secondary packaging is the grouping of several individual items into a secondary container.  Depending on your product this may also mean a single product into the container. Secondary packaging solutions are provided after your product has been packaged and is ready to be placed in the shipping container. With so many secondary automated packaging equipment options on the market, how do you know which one to choose? 

Your solution will be based strictly on your needs. At BPA, factors such as product and package type, speed, number of recipes and pack patterns and more will be taken into consideration when determining a secondary packaging solution best for you. BPA has a diverse team of experts on hand to assist you through this process.


For these industries:

Gantry 200 Case Packer


GANTRY 200装箱机主要为零食生产商设计开发,也可用于其他环境。这是一种用于进行二级包装容器立式装箱的多用途解决方案。该装箱机尺寸小巧,可装在许多零食工厂中常见的中间楼层下方。GANTRY 200是各种易碎产品的理想选择(例如薯片或其他零食包装袋),对纸箱和外部包装袋都能进行操作。